Our calling to love and serve others doesn't end at age 65.

You have unique passions, abilities, and experiences that God wants to use in ALL seasons and stages of your life.



The concept of a future focused on serving God and others is foreign to our culture's mindset of rest and self pampering. Discover a new approach that offers greater purpose. 


Free your future from the common financial constraints many today will face and instead prepare for a new season with the flexibility to do whatever God calls you to.


The last quarter of your life could be the most powerful. What have you always wanted to do? What would you do if money wasn't an issue? What is God preparing you for?

Let's Redefine Retirement.

For most people "retirement" is seen as a time during which you withdraw or cease from work. However, there is never a time in which we stop having value or influence in the lives of others.  In fact, God has created us to minister to others for a lifetime.

"Future Funded Ministry" is a redefining of retirement where we as Christians embrace our lifetime calling to love, serve, and minister to others. The reality is that one day our paychecks will end but our ministry doesn't have to. 

Maximize your impact and potential with a new vision of retirement.

Access your FREE ebooks series on Future Funded Ministry by Bruce Bruinsma


Having passion alone is not enough.

As Joseph prepared Egypt during the seasons of plenty for the time when they would have need, so we also prepare now for our future. Envoy Financial is built on the Future Funded Ministry concept and exclusively uses it in their education and retirement planning.


What could you do in your last season?


From starting a retreat home for missionaries to using horses to help those with special needs to traveling across the country and serving at RV parks, there are endless dreams people have embraced during their 4th quarter in life. Start praying and researching yours today.